Examine how various hardware technologies, including automated systems and robotics, are streamlining healthcare processes and improving operational efficiency in medical facilities.
To reduce the carbon emission globally Innovate new generation transportation which will not take much time and reduce the fuel consumption also.
Develop robotic systems for search and rescue, disaster response, and recovery operations. (focuses on the development and deployment of robotic systems designed to assist in various stages of disaster management, including search and rescue, damage assessment, and recovery operations)
Investigate cutting-edge technologies in solar, wind, and hydro energy, focusing on efficiency and sustainability. (innovations such as improved solar panel designs, enhanced hydro turbine efficiency, and next-generation wind turbine technologies can maximize energy production and reduce costs)
Learn about the spread of diseases, create models for disease prevention, or develop public health campaigns.
Advance technology for space travel, planetary exploration, and potential colonization, focusing on building autonomous navigation rovers.